Is Root Canal Ideal for You or Tooth Extraction?
When you visit a dentist in the clinic, they may suggest treatment like root canal or tooth extraction. However, you may have different questions related to these treatments in your mind? Maybe you might think that tooth extraction is far better than the root canal. In our previous blog, we have explained 5 common dental procedures in a dental office in Antioch. However, read on to quell all the queries about tooth extraction or root canal below.
Root Canal Or Tooth Extraction in Brentwood:
Root canal in Brentwood has a high success rate as compared to tooth extraction. It is because there are no complexities related to the procedure while performing it and even after undergoing it. In the case of the Root canal, dentists will clean and restore the infected teeth. Hence, there is no need of extracting or removing the tooth.
How Root Canal Or Tooth Extraction Offer Relief From Severe Dental Pain?
Some toothaches may be because of infection or any kind of damage to the tooth's pulp. The nerve located inside the tooth leads to irritation and enormous pain. At that time, extraction works best because the procedure includes removing the tooth that consists of the infected tissues. You can search for the finest dentist office near you in Brentwood to get the best knowledge.
Root canal therapy comes under the category of conservative treatment. In this treatment, the dentist works on removing damaged tissues inside the tooth. Further, they will do filling by using the specific material. The striking feature of this treatment is that you will not feel any pain. You can get more knowledge about the material that is used in this treatment by consulting any endodontist in Brentwood.
Risks Connected With These Treatments:
Root Canal Therapy:
If the dentist does not remove bacteria from an infected tooth, you may require endodontic treatment from a professional endodontist in Brentwood. Your tooth will become weaker once you are done with the root canal procedure which could lead to fracture too.
Tooth Extraction:
The bone which provides support to the tooth will lose volume and mass. The risk associated with future tooth loss will surge too.
Which One Is Suitable for You?
Mostly, root canal procedure is the most constructive way to get rid of the infected tooth when compared with the extraction procedure. But you should consider getting professional guidance with a dentist in Antioch before arriving at any conclusion.
Who Is the Best Dentist Near Me Discovery Bay?
So, with the help of the above-mentioned information, you would have got an idea about both these treatments. To get more clarity before making a decision, you can contact Dr. Ali Shirani's dentist office near you in Discovery Bay. Dr. Ali Shirani offers quality treatments, be it root canal or tooth extraction. Dr. Ali Shirani serves the following locations: Pittsburg, Brentwood, Antioch and Discovery Bay. Browse through our website of Dr. Ali Shirani to gather more information. Call us at 925-778-1998 to have a conversation right away.